In the 2+ years that I haven’t posted, things sure have changed. For a while I cooked and baked less. Recently I started cooking differently mostly.
Still fresh and home-made, just quick, quick, quick for the adults, and more elaborate for our newest little gourmet.

Our daughter was born in October of 2013 and has started enjoying solid food. We do a combination of various styles of weaning. Baby Led Weaning (or the Rapley method) is one of the things we do, giving her whole chunks of veggies, often off our plates, to learn to eat.

Another style I love is the Italian ‘pappe’. A fairly liquid form of baby food, made fresh with meat, veggies and cream of rice/corn/tapioca/wheat, in a broth base.

Our little cupcake loves it all. Eating is super fun!

Below you see today’s lunch, Red bell peppers, and lamb in vegetable broth with a mixture of cream of various wheats and cream of corn and tapioca. To flavor it and help digestion we added a tiny bit of parmesan cheese and obviously some extra virgin olive oil. Despite (or thanks to?) the strong flavor of the bell peppers, Cupcake gobbled it right up!


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2 Responses to Lamb and peppers

  1. Christina says:

    It’s a pleasure to find such raaiontlity in an answer. Welcome to the debate.

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