I didn’t post any before pictures. Didn’t take any either. Which I really regret by now. But oh well, I have the realtor’s pics, from the listing. It shows the house with the previous owners’ furniture, which is everything but my style, but it also shows the way the house looked ‘before’.

The room which will become the master bedroom is situated right nextdoor to the full bathroom. (We’ll have 1 full bath, with a double sink, a toilet, a separate shower and a big bathtub, then we have two other half baths. One being half in the sense that it’s just a toilet and a small sink, the other half bath is a shower and a sink. And then there’s the sauna, but that’s no bathroom – it’s a no-bath-room!)

The to-be master bedroom is a nice large, light room. However, 2 of the walls were wallpapered by this IMNSHO horrible/tacky wallpaper. It was kind of a damask white on white with glittery pattern. A definite dyi job, where the pieces of wallpaper didn’t always touch and sometimes revealed part of the bright red wall hidden behind it.

Yes, the wallpaper and the red walls had to go!

Now besides painting the walls, we’ll update this room by adding a walk-in-closet. We’ve pretty much figured our what we want with that closet, now D just needs to let us know if (that) he can do what we envision. But even if the design needs to be re-done, eventually there’ll be a closet, that’s for sure!

And yes, yes, I know that I could transform one of the ‘spare’ bedrooms into a w-i-c, but what if we want to use it for something else. And wait, it’s not in my own room, if we have guests I’d feel weird about walking in and out of there barely dressed. Plus, our room is sizeable enough that we can include a w-i-c. And a vanity next to it!

On to the Kitchen.

So in my last post I talked about the door that wasn’t there. Today I’ll talk about the range that isn’t there anymore. I have this awesome awesome stainless steel 5 burner full on stove. It’s a thing of beauty. The kitchen of our new home however did have a gas line installed, but at the same time an electric (induction) range.

First off, I know nothing about cooking with anything but gas, it freaks me out.

Second, you need a whole new special set of pans for induction. Now I don’t mind buying new pans, but the ones I like aren’t suitable for induction.

So the range had to go.

And now the range is gone! The empty spot there is a thing of beauty. To me at least. Now I’ll just need to get on Ebay to sell the range and hood, as they are perfect and expensive, but just not what I need in my kitchen.

Saturday morning we went back to the house again, and then Saturday afternoon and Sunday afternoon. We’re actually starting to do stuff there ourselves too. Saturday morning we showed my parents the house (they’d just arrived from Colorado). Again there’d been a bunch of visible progress done. A lot of plastering had been done.

Then that afternoon we came back to put industrial style toilet bowl cleaner in the toilet bowls. We then met out next door neighbors and talked to them for a little bit before going home.

Today (Sunday) we went back to actually clean the toilet bowls after they’d soaked in the cleaner overnight. The downstairs bathroom came out sparkling. Very nice! I now feel comfortable actually going there. The upstairs one is a whole different story. You really learn things you do NOT want to know about people when you buy their house. The amount of calcium deposits that’d turned brown/black is insane. I scrubbed my arms out for at least a half hour (after it soaking for 24 hours) and I barely made a dent in the brown grossness. I decided to dump even more of that cleaner in the bowl and leave it overnight again. Tomorrow will be turn nr 2 and hopefully some white will start showing. If not, I guess we have no choice but to replace the thing. I want my new house to be beautiful and sparkly and wonderful, not filled with darkened calcium deposits containing who-knows how many bacteria and such.

On to the yard. I read up on conifers yesterday as there’s a conifer hedge between our and the neighbor’s yard. I clipped away some of the overhanging branches and decided I need to buy a bigger hedge trimmer to shape it completely and get it ready for winter and next year. Never thought the yard work would start before we’d actually live there, but I don’t want to end up having to take them our because I didn’t pay attention immediately. Apparently conifers are very sensitive!

So again, the news is that an amazing amount of work has been done. I’m so friggin excited by the progress D and J are making (oh and D’s daughter (also D) was there to look around as well on Thursday).  I guess we’ll need to start figuring out which moving company we want to use, when to pack and what day to ask the movers to be there. If it keeps going at this speed, we can move in before the end of the month!

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