Work before website and Italian recipes
With some seriously busy days at work, I haven’t really found the time to cook these last few days. This resulted in us eating simple stuff. Leftovers, a simple salad with turkey breast and even a microwaved meal. (Eating simple food doesn’t mean it has to look ugly though, as shown in the picture!) I guess after this first week I’ll have to conclude that most of my (more) elaborate and/or creative cooking will have to be done on the weekends. That’s what you get for working full-time in a non-food-related field and going to school in addition to that.
I did manage to incorporate my love for food into school though. As my teacher chose me to be one of 5 ‘lucky’ students who get to give a 5 minute speech on any subject they wanted, I decided to talk about cooking. Ha! The only catch, the whole speech needs to be conducted in Italian. Good thing I love Italian cooking!
It was fun to write though. I wrote down two of my favorite recipes in a grade-school-manner, simplifying everything, because I just don’t know that many words yet, or tenses for that manner. So far we’ve only been taught present tense, and I kid you not, Italian has about 283736493 different tenses you could use to express whether something is happening now, yesterday, last week or 2 centuries ago. You can pretty much express whether it’s still going on, will be going on or is possibly being planned to go on. And all that is clarified by adding a couple different letters to the end of a word. And then there’s the whole adding it or me or you or he to a verb and does it come before or after.
Yes! Confusing! Indeed!!
Fot those of you interested in what I wrote, you can read it under the cut (and please forgive me for anything that’s wrong with the text, tonight is only my 5th lesson!) Oh, and one day soon, those recipes will appear here in English!
Vorrei parlare del cucinare. Cucinare è il mio hobby. Lo faccio volentieri e spesso. Ho anche cuocere al forno come torte. Ho un website sulla cucina, una collezione di libri di cucina e controllo tutti giorni su altri websites di cucina. Sono un po ossessionata. Sul mio website dove colocco la mia favorita ricetta e il mio compagno fai le immagini di cibo.
Cucino spesso Italiano. Faccio la mia pasta da solo, non di uno pacco. Quando cucino Italiano Primo mangiamo pasta e poi le carne e i contorni. Il Favorita mia ricetta e fettuccini alla gorgonzola di primo e il pollo con finocchi o uovo in cocotte ai porri per secondo. Voi dico subito la ricetta.
Per fare la sugo alla gorgonzola, scioglie una noce di burro in una piccola casseruola. Aggiunge la gormas. Questa è una mescolanza della gorgonzola e la mascarpone. Che quando cominci a fusione, aggiunge un po della panna. Aggiunge il pepe e il sale quanto si desidera. Mescola a quando tutto è sciolto è pronto!
Il finocchio con le carne di pollo è anche molto facile. Cuocere i finocchi per cinque minuti. Affetai il finocchio a fette, e metti in una casseruola. Taglia le carne di pollo a dadini e metti sul finocchio. Metti pepe e sale. Fa una besciamella di burro, farina e latte con un po di noce moscata e sale. Metti la besciamella sopra le carne di pollo e lo fa una mezza ora in forno. Fino quando la parte superiore è marrone.
Se volate la ricetta per uovo in cocotte ai porri, bisogno di domandarmi dopo la classe.
Buon Apetito!
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Translate this blog
but don't expect it to make perfect sense!
It should help somewhat that you had a couple of years of Latin.
Love your site, it is really nice.
Do you always post articles like this? I am always searching for similar information and would love to see more of it.
Are you searching for Italian texts, or just this kind of general info and style of writing? The idea of this site is to blog several times a week, so more stuff like this should appear eventually! :-)
Nice Post… Thanks :)
My biscuits and gravy recipe can be put it up against
Can’t wait to see what you have next.
There are some good new and fresh ideas here.
I found it on bing .
I want to thank you for taking time to post this, it was really helpful.